Ep.63:ESD Flooring w/ SelecTech CEO Tom Ricciardelli

After a LONG hiatus, we're back! Our break was for a very good reason though. Listen to find out why!

In this episode, we welcome SelecTech CEO and co-founder Tom Ricciardelli. Tom is a technical flooring expert on static control or ESD flooring. He is also chairman of the committee formed by the ESD Association (www.esda.org).  His company, SelecTech, is a leader in the manufacture of innovative flooring products and has a very interesting story on how it came to be.

Tom gives us a quick recap on what ESD is (we also have a full overview episode on ESD) and discusses the importance of having an ESD-protected floor.  We also talk about what the ESDA is, LEED certification and sustainability, as well as a very meta pet peeve.

For more information on SelecTech's ESD flooring visit https://staticstop.com/

Side note: Worthington Assembly is currently selling their used MY100 pick and place machine. If interested contact Chris at cdenney@worthingtonassembly.com or visit https://www.worthingtonassembly.com/my100-sale for more information.


Ep.64:Catch up with Chris


Ep.62:Soft Skills of Engineering w/ Being an Engineer Host, Aaron Moncur